The Poland Express

Flag_of_PolandWhat an amazing 2,5 weeks,of Nov 2014, as I partnered with Keir, Callie and Wojtek into Poland, visiting 12 churches in 16 days traveling from Cieszyn in the South West on the Czech border to Biala Podlaska in the North East close to the Belarus border; hence the Poland Express.

Just as a heads up for each portion of these “Poland Express God Encounters”; let me say for every village, town and city we visited. There were some things that were evident to me as a first timer. The Polish people are truly welcoming and hospitable, they have a yearning to feed you; breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dinner at 3 or 4 in the afternoon for us anyway and after the meeting at about 9 pm. we have “some more dinner”(got to use the accent).

They love to eat. Besides huge and welcoming hearts, they are truly hungry for the word of God and thirsty to encounter Him at every conceivable opportunity. Oh yes; you may also find yourself sleeping in every other area of their homes, truly hospitable and welcoming. Attempting to speak the language is well appreciated, however is undoubtedly the most difficult language I have ever encountered, so a few phrases had to suffice. Dzien Dobry !!!

I Landed in Warsaw  (Thurs 13th), after an uneventful flight with very little sleep, and had to run for my life to catch the connecting flight from Warsaw to Krakow, Keir and Callie were patiently waiting and by surprise we caught the same flight to Krakow.

I met Wojtek and his family, He and his wife Kirsten lead the church in Krakow : New Covenant Church Krakow, I am sure if I have a lost brother somewhere in the world then it’s Wojtek, can you imagine 2 of me, ( this does not require a response).

We were also joined by a young guy Tim Kleinleugenmors from Holland who wanted to hang out with us for the weekend and see what Translocal and Evangelism is all about         ( this is what I call commitment). This was the result of Tim receiving a prophetic word from Gill Patterson (NCMI team Bryanston Church). Tim wanted to act upon this word and put finances and feet into action.

Friday Nov 14th – Cieszyn

Edwin and Kaisa Guznar : House on the RockIMG_1135

We ( Wojtek, Keir, Callie and self), jumped in the car and traveled to the town of Cieszyn, to a small church abut 50 people. Wojtek would be our guide and interpreter and ministering partner for the next week. This was my baptism to Polish worship, we had a great time Keir preached, words of knowledge flowed and the people responded. We also called for people who were sick. We prayed and Jesus healed the sick. One gent said he felt a shock run through his body when I prayed and said the pain had gone and his hearing had improved. Through the words of Knowledge there was a number of deliverance’s and healing to peoples souls from depression, fears and heartaches.

Afterwards I had a prophetic word for the Pastor and His wife Edwin and Kaisa Guznar.

” I saw a trench that he had been digging like a construction worker laying pipes and foundations, and as he dug deeper waves kept coming over him, and he would cry out and seek God, “God where are you in this ?”. It was as if with all the digging he was getting nowhere, and being bombarded by these waves.  I felt the Lord say, while you have been digging down I have been building up. The Lord said you have been digging a trench and I have been building a lighthouse. I want this church to be a lighthouse, to the darkness around you, to the areas of your influence and to Poland”

Simply, out of curiosity I asked Edwin what the name of the church was, he said ” House on the Rock”,!!!!!!! I asked him what a Lighthouse was built on he responded “a rock”. I know God is a great encourager all the time. Gods people were touched, healed, delivered and encouraged; Jesus was honoured and exalted. We jumped back in the car and headed back to Krakow ( 2 hrs) and flopped into bed at midnight, and so the Poland Express burst into life……

Saturday Nov 15 th- Krakow

We had a slow and lazy morning back in Krakow, meeting and lunch with some of Wojtek’s Church, huddled in the lounge together 20 eager saints.  Keir and I did back to back preaches, with a tea break. Sharing on the body of Christ as family inspiring others to seek Jesus, be a witness, and love people into the Kingdom. Keir shared on the heart of Praying for the sick. People were encouraged and enthusiastic. Questions flowed….

Sunday Nov 16 th – Krakow – New Covenant Church Krakow

Wojtek and Kirsten Kukulski ( Lead Elders) – Kayla, Matty, Natashe; Martin and Eva Bourcier ( elders)


We enjoyed a great morning of praise and worship, led by Kirsten and her musos. Keir preached Callie had a prophetic world of “the more in God” for NCCK. People came forward for healing and prayer, we ministered as a team, and prayed for a variety of ailments and general prayers. What a great group of people, mostly made up with international students from Norway, China, Madagascar, Ireland, Malaysia; Oh and Poland.What a great church planted into Poland almost 10 years ago, what an amazing family.

Monday Nov 17 th – Krakow

Day to chill and sight see in Krakow.This was probably the last rest time we would have on the Poland Express Adventure, little did we know.20141117_135636IMG_1170

Tuesday Nov 18 th – Tarnow

Jan and Barbara Scarbek : The Lord is our Banner

The 4 of us ( Wotjek, Keir, Callie and self), climbed into the car ( all aboard the Poland Express lives…….and headed for Tarnow (Tarnof). Cold and raining speed limit on the highway is 140 kms yeaahhh, gets dark by 3:30 /4 pm…… much more fun.

We arrived in Tarnow and met Jan and Barbara Scarbek. Wonderful group of people worship was off the hook, as we opened in prayer and started to worship Gods presence invaded the room. The tears fell down my face as Holy Spirit grabbed my heart and once again I was broken for the nation of Poland.

Keir gave a challenging word on building faith for healings “ go your way and be healed”, the response was great, we worked in pairs with interpreters to pray for each person. The responses were varied, with some significant changes. In particular, an old mans hand, which was swollen and he was unable to grab hold to handshake, at the end of the evening he was going around shaking hands. Another young school teacher had vocal chord damage and needed healing in order to teach, after prayer we could hear her voice had improved and she said that the strain in her throat was gone. God is more than good.

Late that night we drove home to Krakow our last night here with these amazing pioneers in Poland.

Jesus name was uplifted, exalted on high, the strains of Bless the Lord O my Soul ran through my head. Nothing better than making Jesus famous …….

Wednesday Nov 18 th – Tarnow

We headed back to Tarnow with great anticipation and expectation. We arrived

again to a capacity crowd, with outstanding worship, and a great message. Many people came forward for prayer and healing, the most notable was a young boy who only had about 40% hearing and after prayer his hearing levels greatly improved, as did and old gentleman whom we have prayed for, the previous evening for a damaged hand; he was running around shaking hands furiously, much improved on his efforts from the previous night. That night we had the privilege of a hotel room on the outskirts of the town, room sharing hmmmmm.

Thursday Nov 20th – Wolka Tanewska

Roman and Danuta Grzywacz : Evangelical Christian Church

IMG_1195A dear couple who have been in the ministry for many many years, Wolka Tanewska is genuine Polish village, in a mostly agricultural district, their hospitality was outstanding. They hosted us in their home. They gathered 3 other churches from as far away as 70 kms to come to the meeting. Very different style of meeting with just an organ and one or two hymns, very friendly people.

Keir preached a great sermon challenging the churches where our heart was, there were 2 sessions with a tea break, 2nd session was having faith for healing and then we got to pray for the sick.FullSizeRender God is always faithful, the people were expectant, and there were many healings. From the simplest ailment of a headache which was immediately healed, to depression, fear, anxiousness, two different lady had thumbs healed one from unable to move her thumbs at all, the other had no feeling or numbness in her thumb to instant feeling, mobility and able to feel her thumb again. Much jumping about in jubilation. There was a lady who had, sort of floating chips in her knees and couldn’t kneel; after prayer all the pain had gone. The dearest Babshka responded to a word of knowledge and she had fire like pain in her lungs, after prayer the pain was gone and she was so overjoyed she jumped up and down kissing Callie all over.

Victory belongs to Jesus as 5 people gave their lives to Jesus. As is common amongst the churches is the universal word of ….. Hallelujah !!!!!!

This dear couple took us into their hearts and home and treated us like their children, overfeeding us, at every opportunity; remember ( some more dinner)

Friday Nov 21st – Starachowice – Artur and Anita

A welcoming and small group of people, who welcomed us and asked specifically for an evangelistic message. Keir preached on the Good Samaritan. A salvation call was made and an elderly gentleman came forward to receive Jesus as Lord and savior. At the end He loudly declared to the church at last I found the courage to give my life to Jesus. Amazing and glorious

Saturday Nov 22nd – Swidnik – Church of the Evangelical Faith Christians

Kuba and Agnieszke Szymczouk; Marcin Winnicvski, Piotr Jeczen’

What a great group of guys. They are closest to fulfilling a New Testament church with elders leading the charge in bringing life to this city.

Keir and I did back to back sessions, what a joy and privilege ministering to this church. IMG_1143After the preaches they said this is what God had been saying to them and this was a confirmation for them, wonderful not just to preach but to build into a body of believers.

The Gospel was preached, and Keir encouraged them to exercise the priesthood of all Believers, teaching them how to pray for each other, and yes healings took place, people were freed, as the body drew near to one another laid hands and prayed for one another.

At this juncture, I am saddened to say goodbye to Wojtek,   ( my other brother from a different mother), as he heads back to Krakow, duty calls, we are now on our own into the Poland Express and how the east was won. Adventure looms… Yay !!!!!

IMG_1243I am introduced to our new guide, helper, interpreter, organizer, church planter, leader a man of many gifts and talents; Tomasz Manok, he is a connector of note, and has arranged our meetings for the 2nd leg of our journey.

After the ministry time here, I am whisked off at more than break neck speed, through the drizzle to a boys dormitory on the outskirts of Radzyn Podliaski. We have dropped Keir and Callie off in Lublin and I have another 70 kms to go, can you hear the train in the distance, the noise on the track, whistling through the country side… the Poland Express !!!!!!!

This dorm, will be our sleeping quarters for the next few days, Tomasz drops me off, I literally fall into bed at 1120pm, blissful sleep rescues me, not truly aware of my surroundings, just locking a few doors on the way in……. I have no idea where I am……AAAHHHHH, the thrill of adventure

Sunday Nov 23rd – Lublin

This band of travellers “go our own way”

Keir and Callie are in Lublin to minister in a church, and stay over in Lublin with an amazing “von Trapp” style family all playing instruments in their worship team. Later that day they join me in Radzyn Podliaski, with great reports of salvation’s and healings Jesus, Jesus ,Jesus……

Sunday Nov 23rd – Siedlce – Joshua Community Church

Jurek and Agnes Niesceioruk; Alex and Lilya Sokol ( Interpreter)

I am collected from the dorm in Radzyn Podliaski, by Alex, who will be my interpreter for the day. Hey ho Silver, the Poland Express rides, we head about 50kms to Siedlce.

A church of about 40 people no instruments but who worship acapella led by Agnes and Lilya; powerful worship. I am catching on now in Poland there are no short prayers or short worship times, heart wrenching, full of gusto prayer and worship glorifying the King Yeaaahhhh…….

I preached, and ask for those who hadn’t given their lives to Jesus to come forward, half the church stood up. I feel like a GPS, recalculating, re-translate, 3 guys stepped up. What a privilege to lead these men out of the kingdom of darkness into Jesus glorious light. As for the rest healing’s, re commitments, Holy Spirit break through, what precious hungry souls!!!!FullSizeRender

I am entertained with a great lunch, more food ??????.

The Poland Express rides again; 50 kms back to Radzyn Podliaski

Sunday Nov 23 rd PM – Radzyn Podliaski

Tomascz and Beata Manko : The New Jerusalem Church

The 3 of us ( Keir, Callie and Self) regroup at the dorm room, (the one with all the doors to be locked) share a few testimonies, try and grab some rest, what rest; hehehehe.

I have previously introduced you to Mr Connector; Tomasz Manko, who is known by half of Poland. In the eastern section, where the balance of our adventure will take place. With him there is never a dull moment, as I was soon to learn.

We are collected of course for dinner before the service, by now we are learning to pace ourselves, because we know secretly the is “some more dinner” after the service.

We are told the service is 3 hrs, so how many sessions with a break. We say one assuming that’s good for an evening service, spirit is willing but by now the Poland Express has got it’s grip on us and the bodies are failing. Oh sleep why do you evade me. Having done many forays into Africa, I coined a phrase in jest of course “On a mission everything is a mission”, well in Poland this springs to life

Great prayer, great worship, and Keir is up to preach, He preaches, the pastor thanks him IMG_1150and then says now that Pastor Marco from Toronto will now preach. Ever watched a goldfish in a bowl, I’m thinking where’s the break !!! well the bible says be ready in and out of season. Here we go, thank you Jesus for the words that you place on our hearts and in our mouths. Did I previously say “ never a dull moment”, after I am done, it is announced that Callie will now also bring a word, oh, oh, more goldfish, all in all a great trio effort. The net result healings, Holy Spirit encounters, the body of Christ encouraged and uplifted, Jesus glorified; and that’s what matters.

Much mirth (over yes,“ some more dinner”); was derived from our hosts methodology of, “one session”, comforted by a roaring fire in their dining hall, all is well with my soul. 1130 pm we succumb to the arms of father Morpheus.

IMG_1204Monday AM we walk through the town of Radzyn Podliaski, spying out the old Gestapo ex headquarters taking in the history of an era gone by. We are looking for a coffee shop, and the best we can do is an Indian Shwarma shop, who don’t sell pIMG_1206ork in Poland… go figure.

Pack the bags, load the car – Poland Express departure 1300 hrs

Monday Nov 24th – Pulawy – Pawel and Anette Krzywicki


A servant hearted couple who open their home to us, and have gone the extra mile in advertising this one night evangelism time, on the city website. A small group of people about 25. Keir preaches the gospel and asks for people to give their lives to Jesus. 11 people come forward from this small group. Get this, 9 off the street from the advertisement. We pray they will return to this body of believers, the church doubled in one night. Sounds like the book of Acts stuff, man oh man.

Tues / Wed Nov 25-26th – Biala Podlaska

Piotr and Loca Brononwickione

At last a city that Keir and Callie had not visited, virgin territory for the 3 of us, what an adventure, Whoot Whoot !!!!!!

We met with the Pastor and his wife, an amazing couple with hearts open and ready to hear what God had in store for them. We were to be here for 2 nights, Tues and Wed.

Remember on a mission everything is a mission”, be ready to be surprised.

On Wed morning they had a number of their church members, who either by their own request or the pastors open heart. The idea was for the 3 of us to counsel a list of congregation members, for a number of issues. In truth we were not sure of this track, however, as we prayed with the list of people approximately 15 couples, we saw the finger of God move in many areas. We’re humbled and privileged for the opportunity, so deep into this Pastors congregation. Our interpreter for the day was Marcin, the Pastors son in law, he is a dude man. I love this guy……., ok back to the morning meeting.

I can’t relate all the events, needless to say Jesus is faithful when we are hungry for more of Him, people were filled, released, envisioned and encountered God. Some I should mention.

Two young guys, who were not on the list, sneaked in, the one hurriedly told us he was not supposed to be there, and urgently asked we pray for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit, as if waiting for the headmaster to chase him out. We prayed Holy Spirit fell upon this young man, who wept, shook and broke into tongues, glorious, I guess he was meant to be there.

The other guy, said his step dad was meant to be there, but wouldn’t come and his mother had sent him instead. He was full of anger, suicidal and depressed. After a few leading questions prompted by Holy Spirit he started to weep, he received Jesus as His Lord and Savior, we saw him again at the evening meeting, what a different man. I guess he was also meant to be there.IMG_1219 IMG_1233 IMG_1235

Two couples captured my heart, and I wept for them, at the sacrifice and the hunger in their hearts for more of God. One couple had driven 500 kms and another 160 kms, to come to the meetings to hear Gods word, be ignited and be touched, and encounter God. As we prayed for these couples Holy Spirit was faithful, overflowing in His love they wept at the joy of encountering Gods Spirit, broke into tongues, lives changed never to be the same again, Joy, joy, joy, laughter and reveling in His pleasure….

That evening Keir preached on the Holy Spirit, and asked for people to come forward, did I mention the word, chaos …. Hungry people filled, appetites satiated, Jesus glorified, church in chaos, lives changed forever…..IMG_1217

What an amazing couple who lead this church. The Pastor asked for a return visit into the future, “we want Gods word and Spirit”, just my kind of language.

Did I mention how well we have been fed, oh well.IMG_1244

Early Thursday AM

The Poland Express was on the move again, this time with our driver nicknamed Speedy Gonzales who drove us from Biala Podlaska to Warsaw, although the distance is not great about 170 kms, once you hit Warsaw it took over an 1,5 hrs to get through the city. Similar to the Don Valley Parkway in Canada. We dropped Keir and Callie off at the airport, one more cup of Polish kava, said our goodbyes and I headed for the Courtyard Inn to wait my flight the next day. Besides all that God has done it was great being with Keir and Callie and ministering alongside them, a leap back in nostalgia to our days together in Africa. However relaxing in a hotel room for the night was not on Gods agenda….

Thursday Nov 27th – Warsaw

Andrew and Yolante Bralewsky : Praga Church for Christ

This amazing church, with a congregation for the homeless abused, addicted and a IMG_1246mixture of humanity; souls desperate for Gods Word and Spirit. The pastor and his wife have hearts larger than the city of Warsaw, in the Praga district. As the pastor described to me like downtown Brooklyn in New York. The setting was a soup kitchen. We all ate bread and soup together,, worshipped the king and I was privileged and humbled to preach to this small group. In all this seemingly different setting Jesus was glorified. Two men gave their lives to Jesus and there was much jubilation. I prayed for an old lady who was obviously in pain and limping. In her words “I felt heat go through my body and the pain is gone”; Praise Jesus, our healer and deliverer.

I tumbled into bed at 1130 pm after a Poland Express ride through the now quieter streets of Warsaw, what an amazing city. Satisfied in my soul, glory to God

Friday Nov 28 th – Warsaw

So many memories, so many new friends, so many faces, foods, and places that have comforted my tired body. Saints of Jesus healed, delivered, touched by the hand of God, new family members added to the body of Christ, churches, pastors and congregations encouraged, uplifted. I have laughed and cried for and with these people and this nation, may Jesus be glorified.

My thoughts now turn to my beautiful family, as I head home and the family we call “the Bridge”, whom I am privileged to lead, and who have invested in this amazing “Poland Express Adventure”. You too carry an inheritance as you have prayed for and lifted our arms as we have ministered, to these amazing saints of Poland and its people who are daily persecuted for being Christians.

Thank you Jesus, and as the old classic says “ living the life”

Dziekuje Polska

About bridgebuilder7

Husband of one gorgeous wife, blessed father, delighted in my daughter, pastor, preacher, pedestrian,follower of Jesus, amazed that I have been chosen.
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1 Response to The Poland Express

  1. The FRUIT of your ministry trip to Poland has been phenomenal… in how our Lord moved over there, which has imparted to you “EXPECTANCY”, which in turn you have imparted to us…just fabulous…. and now with a plethora of new friends and relationships… NO ONE can “put a price” to what Jesus did in you and through you….thank you for always being SO available to following His lead!!!

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